The Scientific Society of the Silicate Industry maintains a Register of Experts among its members; the Register keeps record of the fields of expertise and the experts thereof covered by the activities of the Society and its Divisions. The Society maintains this Register with the purpose of enabling the fulfillment of requirements—arising within its area of activity (concrete, cement, fine ceramics, stone and gravel, insulation, brick and tile, glass)—that assume specialized expert knowledge.

If the activity of the SZTE Expert recorded in the Register of the Society also conforms to the applicable laws and regulations regarding the individual engineering and architectural design and technical expert activities, then this activity—even in case of being recorded in the Register of the Society—can only be performed based on chamber membership regulated based on the above provisions.

Persons recorded in the Register of Experts of the Society are entitled to use the SZTE Expert title with mandatory indication of their closer field of expertise to facilitate the best possible fulfillment of requirements (arising in the silicate industry) that assume specialized expert knowledge.

Experts of the Society:

István Asztalos Concrete technology advisor, concrete industry standardization advisor, concrete industry sales coordinator
József Bakos Thermal insulation advisor, thermal insulation inspector advisor, thermal insulation and soundproofing industry standardization advisor
Ildikó Baczoni Glass industry automation advisor, Glass industry technology
Dr.Géza Farkas Stone and gravel technology engineer and advisor, Thermal insulation engineer and advisor
Gábor Gallé Glass technology advisor, auditor; Glass industry environmental advisor
Ferenc Görbics Glass industry manufacturing technology, Glass hollowware technology. Design, Glass industry technical advisor, Cullet recycling, Glass hollowware technical auditor, Glass conditioning
Attila Kelemen Stone and gravel industry environmental advisor and auditor, standardization advisor
Dr.Pálné Komlósy Concrete technology engineer, concrete technology auditor, concrete and concrete raw materials inspector engineer and auditor, concrete industry environmental engineer
Vida Zsuzsa Kovács Tiborné Glass industry product developer
István Tóth Silicate industry quality control advisor, Silicate industry environmental advisor, Silicate industry technological advisor
Klára Tóthné Kiss Glass and glass industry rule materials inspection and utilization, Silicate industry quality control advisor, Silicate industry environmental advisor
Attila György Varga Settlement industry sales advisor, coordinator, auditor
Zsuzsanna Varga Glass technology advisor, glass inspector advisor

Experts’ Policy
Register of Fields of Expertise
Expert Datasheet

MANAGEMENT 2022-2025

István Asztalos - president
CeMBeton, executive manager
Dr. Csaba Balázsi - co-president
HAS Centre for Energy Research, scientific advisor

Péter Ferenci - co-president
GE Hungary Ltd., Glass Technology Manager

László Kárpáti - co-president
Pelso Plan Mérnökiroda Kft., manager

János Koska - co-president