The Scientific Society of the Silicate Industry is committed to provide moral and material appreciation for its members who supported the goal and activity of the Society with outstanding performance. To this purpose, it grants its members and put them up for various honors.

The outstanding performance that is the basis of the acknowledgment can be the high-level performance of a specific task or an activity performed for a prolonged period. The acknowledgment is awarded with having regard to the activity facilitating the featured task.

Szilikátiparért (for the silicate industry) medal
The Szilikátiparért medal is an honor awarded by the Society to its own members. The Presidency of the Society decides on awarding the honor based on the proposals of the Divisions. The honor is awarded annually on the Builders’ Day.

MTESZ Award, Medal
The Society – during the operation of MTESZ – was entitled to give a proposal for awarding the MTESZ Award and Medal. The proposals were discussed by the former management.

Other government and social honors
In addition to the above, the Society is entitled to put up its deserving members for various government and social honors.

Members of the Society awarded in the recent years

In 2019, Dr. Csaba Balázsi, president of Fine Ceramics Division was awarded with the Gábor Dénes Award.

On December 3, 2012, Károly Kovács, member and former secretary general of our Society was awarded the Palotás László Award.

In December 2010, Dr. János Szépvölgyi, our president at the time, was awarded with the Gábor Dénes Award.

In 2008, Dr. János Szépvölgyi, our President at the time, was awarded The Knight’s Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit.

In 2006, Dr. Pál Rudnyánszky, SZTE co-President was awarded the Hungarian Silver Cross of Merit.

In 2004, Eszter Mattyasovszky Zsolnay (Brick and Tile) and Ferenc Illés (Cement) were recorded in the MTESZ Memory Album for the “Outstanding work performance in the field of quality management”.

Dr. Pál Rudnyánszky, co-President of the Society received the Eötvös Loránd Award in 2004.

Szilikátiparért2021Henszelmann ImreFine Ceramics
(for the silicate industry)Laska ImreGlass
medal2019Dr. Barnabás CsőkeCement
Dr. Vilmos SvobodaFine Ceramics
Eszter Mattyasovszky ZsolnayBrick and Tile
Lajos György LibálGlass
Gyula PálmaiGlass
Dr. Adorján BorosnyóiÉpítőanyag
Sergey N. KulkovÉpítőanyag
2018Péter AratóFine Ceramics
Attila KelemenStone and Gravel
Imre KótiBrick and Tile
Ferenc MargitGlass
Dr. Mrityunjay SinghFine Ceramics
2017János BorbélyGlass
László KuhárGlass
Lajos TóthFine Ceramics
Zsuzsanna FabókBrick and Tile
János BobályStone and Gravel
2016Gábor SopronyiBrick and Tile
István KohányiGlass
István KürtiStone and Gravel
2015Dr. János SzépvölgyiFine Ceramics
László KárpátiStone and Gravel
Róbert KissBrick and Tile
Ferenc GörbicsGlass
2014Zsuzsa VargaGlass
Dr. Gyula KakassyBrick and Tile
Pongrác SeyBrick and Tile
Antal KellerBrick and Tile
Dr. Pál RudnyánszkyInsulation Materials
2013Erika CsányiConcrete
Gábor GalléGlass
 László GálInsulation Materials
 Sándor VargaBrick and Tile
2012Dr. Zoltán BoksayGlass
Dr. Ferenc TamásCement
 Péter RegenhartInsulation Materials
2011Dr. Sándorné DaniBrick and Tile
Dr. Pál KertészStone and Gravel
 Dr. Csaba BaksaInsulation Materials
 Klára Tóthné KissGlass
 2010Dr. József GyörgyFine Ceramics
 Eszter Mattyasovszky ZsolnayBrick and Tile
 Dr. Tibor KausayConcrete
 2009Dr. János UjhelyiConcrete
 Aladár KatóBrick and Tile
 György LiptákGlass
 István AsztalosVezetőség
 2008Erika CsányiConcrete
 László BocskayCement
 Tibor SoósFine Ceramics
 2007Dr. Salem Georges NehmeConcrete
 László SasCement
 János BobályStone and Gravel
 2006Dr. Gyuláné SzalókiVezetőség
 Dr. György BalázsConcrete
 Dr. Miklós GálosStone and Gravel
 2005Dr. Piroska AranyConcrete
 Dr. Lászlóné WojnárovitsVezetőség
 Klára JákóInsulation Materials
 2004Dr. Károly KovácsVezetőség
 Dr. András LiptayConcrete
 László IffyInsulation Materials
2003Dr. Attila ErdélyiConcrete
 László VajdaStone and Gravel
 József SzerbBrick and Tile
 2002János KoskaVezetőség
 Béla SerédiStone and Gravel
 2001Dr. Péterné FodorCement
 Zsuzsa VargaGlass
 Dr. Sándor SzaladnyaFine Ceramics
 2000József SzántóCement
 Dr. Ludmilla OpoczkyCement
 Zsuzsanna BódoghFine Ceramics
 1999Dr. Zsuzsanna JózsaConcrete
 Sándorné MogyorósiCement
 Gyula MolnárFine Ceramics
 Dr. László Gömze A.Fine Ceramics
 László FeketeStone and Gravel
 Gábor SopronyiBrick and Tile
 Dr. Pál Bálint Brick and Tile
 György BogdánInsulation Materials
 Dr. Pál RudnyánszkyInsulation Materials
 Dr. István SzabóGlass
 Dr. Lászlóné WojnárovitsVezetőség
 Mária Palócz
MTESZ Award, Medal2008Béla SerédiStone and Gravel
 2007Ferenc SpránitzConcrete
 2006Dr. Tibor KausayConcrete
 2005Pongrác SeyBrick and Tile
 2003Dr. István SzabóGlass
 2002Dr. Pál RudnyánszkyInsulation Materials
 2001Lajos RieszVezetőség
Ministerial Certificate2016László MárkusGlass
of Recognition2015Gyula EmsztStone and Gravel
László HarasztiInsulation Materials
2014Péter FerenciGlass
Dr. Lászlóné WojnárovitsFine Ceramics
2013Zoltán SuhaGlass
Tamás FricsGlass
2012Ferenc IllésCement
György LiptákGlass
Dr. Pál RudnyánszkyInsulation Materials
Klára Tóthné KissGlass
2011Tibor CsörgeCement
2010László SasCement
 2009István AsztalosVezetőség
 2008Béla SerédiStone and Gravel
 2007József BakosInsulation Materials
 Gábor GalléGlass
 Bálint SárosCement
 Gábor SopronyiBrick and Tile
 Dr. István SzűcsFine Ceramics
 Frigyesné DomonyiFine Ceramics
 Lajos RieszCement
 László DancsCement
2006László GálInsulation Materials
 László HarasztiInsulation Materials
 Vendel LázárBrick and Tile
 Dr. Sándor SzaladnyaVezetőség
 János SzarkándiCement
 Péter RegenhardtInsulation Materials
 Róbert KissBrick and Tile
 Péter LippayBrick and Tile
2005János KosztriánInsulation Materials
 Miklós OberitterCement
 József KovácsBrick and Tile
 István AsztalosVezetőség
2004Dr. Mária LenkeiFine Ceramics
 Dr. Csaba BaksaInsulation Materials
 Aladár KatóBrick and Tile
 Miklós MolnárInsulation Materials
 Dr. Márta FodorCement
 Dr. Miklós HilgerCement
 László StarkBrick and Tile
 Dr. András LiptayConcrete
 Dr. László Gömze A.Fine Ceramics
2003Klára Tóthné KissGlass
 Gyula MátóBrick and Tile
2002Dr. Imre DobosCement
 Dr. Miklós GálosStone and Gravel
 György LiptákGlass
 Elemér PatakyInsulation Materials
2001Katalin Melegné KissFine Ceramics
 Dr. Sándorné DaniBrick and Tile
 Dr. Ferenc BerényiInsulation Materials
2000Dr. Tibor KausayConcrete
 Béla JuhászBrick and Tile
 Dr. Zoltán GnethInsulation Materials
1999Lajos KatonaCement
 Pongrác SeyBrick and Tile
 Dr. Mária PráderInsulation Materials

MANAGEMENT 2022-2025

István Asztalos - president
CeMBeton, executive manager
Dr. Csaba Balázsi - co-president
HAS Centre for Energy Research, scientific advisor

Péter Ferenci - co-president
GE Hungary Ltd., Glass Technology Manager

László Kárpáti - co-president
Pelso Plan Mérnökiroda Kft., manager

János Koska - co-president