The members of the Society consist of individual and legal members. Any natural person who agrees to the Charter of the Society and pays the annual membership fee can be a member of the Society.

Any natural person or legal entity can be a legal member of the Society if they agree to the objectives of the Society and provide ethical and financial support for the activity of the Society.

By paying the membership fee, the members of The Scientific Society of the Silicate Industry support the following—public benefit—activities of the Society:

  • ensuring advocacy in the creation of legal, technical and economical regulator a systems;
  • establishing and expanding international professional relationships with organizations, universities and companies to support the Euro-Atlantic integration;
  • facilitating the professional readiness of the younger generations with talent research, education and involvement in the life of the Society and their introduction to the professional circles by providing them with the opportunity to meet recognized experts;
  • supporting the evolution of the industry by actively participating in research projects and technological developments;
  • supporting the continuous improvement of the experts working in the industry and facilitating the professional communication disseminating new processes, methods and research results by organizing scientific seminars, inquiry conferences, conferences, professional demonstrations, training courses etc.;
  • publishing the Journal of Silicate Based and Composite Materials;
  • placing recommendations for awards and honors in recognition of outstanding performance, professional activity;
  • awarding the “SZILIKÁTIPARÉRT” (for the silicate industry) medal;
  • ensuring the organizational and administrational requirements for the activity of the Society and contributing to its maintenance costs.